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Worldwide Steel Building kits for agricultural steel buildings. Tractor and agricultural equipment storage buildings.

Are you curious about how metal buildings are changing agricultural practices? The realm of agriculture is evolving, and metal structures are leading this change. They offer innovative solutions that cater to various farming needs, providing sturdy shelters for livestock and equipment and showcasing the diverse uses of metal buildings in agriculture.

As you consider how a steel structure can revolutionize your farm operations, you’ll discover a world of potential that promises efficiency, sustainability, and long-term benefits.

The Advantages of Metal Buildings for Agricultural Use

When considering metal buildings for agricultural use, their durability, cost-effectiveness, and flexibility make them superior choices for farmers and ranchers looking to optimize their operations. Steel structures also offer sustainability benefits due to their recyclability and eco-friendly construction materials, aligning with modern agricultural practices.

With their clear span designs, metal buildings provide flexible layouts tailored to specific needs, optimizing storage space for a wide array of agricultural applications. Their ease of assembly and low maintenance design, combined with weather resistance, make them ideal for modern farming, enhancing efficiency and farm resilience.

Embracing steel buildings in agriculture not only secures a reliable and sturdy foundation for farm operations but also fosters sustainability, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness in the agricultural industry.

Primary Uses of Metal Buildings in Agriculture

When considering the primary uses of metal buildings in agriculture, you’ll find that they’re widely utilized for equipment storage, livestock shelters, crop storage, and processing facilities. Steel buildings are also commonly used for agricultural workshops, riding arenas, and equestrian facilities. They offer durability, efficiency, and versatility to meet the diverse needs of modern agricultural practices.

Equipment Storage

Protecting farm equipment from the elements is key in prolonging their lifespan. Metal storage buildings offer the perfect solution for housing tractors, combines, plows, and more. When considering equipment storage in steel buildings, factors such as equipment organization, weather protection, security features, space efficiency, and accessibility options are important.

Metal buildings offer efficient solutions for organizing various farm tools and machinery, shielding them from harsh weather conditions, incorporating security measures to prevent theft, optimizing space for storage purposes, and ensuring easy access for maintenance and repairs.

Livestock Shelters

Designed for livestock comfort, metal farm buildings are low maintenance and offer design flexibility. Additionally, these building materials aid in pest control and provide environmental benefits. By choosing metal structures, you can create a safe and comfortable environment for your animals, protect them from harsh weather conditions and extreme temperatures, and enhance their overall welfare.

Crop Storage and Processing Facilities

Crop storage and processing facilities in agriculture utilize steel buildings to protect crops from external elements and optimize processing activities such as drying, cleaning, and packing. Grain silos are integral for efficient storage while drying facilities ensure proper moisture levels.

Vegetable processing areas incorporate cooling systems to maintain freshness, while fruit packing facilities focus on preservation techniques to extend shelf life. Hay baling and storage units help organize and protect hay from spoilage. Additionally, seed cleaning and packaging spaces are crucial for preparing seeds for distribution.

Agricultural Workshops

Agricultural metal buildings facilitate not only crop storage and processing but also provide essential spaces for on-site repair and maintenance of equipment through agricultural workshops.

Maintenance workshops offer customizable layouts for different needs, including repair services and tool organization. These workshops enable equipment customization and incorporate safety features like proper ventilation and lighting.

By having dedicated spaces for maintenance and repair within steel farm buildings, you can help increase the longevity of your farming equipment, increase productivity, and maintain the efficiency of your operations.

Utilizing steel structures for agricultural workshops guarantees a secure and convenient environment for all your maintenance needs, contributing to the overall functionality and success of your agricultural endeavors.

Riding Arenas and Equestrian Facilities

For efficient and versatile agricultural operations, consider utilizing steel buildings for your riding arenas and equestrian facilities. When designing these structures, focus on essential elements like:

  • Arena lighting to ensure visibility
  • Various footing options for horse comfort and safety
  • Climate control systems to regulate temperature and humidity
  • Sound systems for enhancing training environments
  • Designated viewing areas for spectators

Incorporating these features not only creates a conducive space for equestrian activities but also enhances the overall experience for both horses and riders. Metal building materials offer advantages over traditional wooden structures, allowing for customization tailored to different equestrian activities, such as training or competitions, while being corrosion and fire-resistant. 

Additional Uses of Metal Buildings in Agriculture

Frequently overlooked yet highly practical, agricultural steel buildings serve a multitude of purposes beyond traditional livestock shelters and equipment storage. They can be used for farm office spaces, greenhouses with metal frames, and retail spaces for farm products, showcasing their multipurpose functionality. Vertical farming within metal constructions optimizes space efficiency, while hydroponic setups maximize water usage for crop cultivation. Steel buildings are also ideal for mushroom cultivation, providing controlled environments for optimal growth. Additionally, beekeeping structures can be housed in metal barns, offering a secure and regulated space for bee colonies to thrive.

These additional uses of metal buildings in agriculture demonstrate their versatility and adaptability. By incorporating aquaponic systems, vertical farming techniques, hydroponic setups, mushroom cultivation spaces, and beekeeping structures, farmers can enhance productivity and explore diverse agricultural applications within a secure and durable framework.

Choosing the Right Building for Agricultural Needs

Selecting the appropriate steel building for agricultural purposes involves careful consideration of several factors. The size and location of the structure, its intended use, and the specific requirements of the farming operation are critical elements in this decision. Collaboration with reputable manufacturers is essential to ensure access to high-quality materials and construction expertise. The customization options available for our steel building kits make them adaptable to a wide range of agricultural needs, providing a tailored solution that enhances efficiency and productivity.

Having explored the diverse applications of metal buildings in agriculture, it’s crucial to consider specific factors when selecting the ideal structure to meet your agricultural needs. Climate control is a key consideration, ensuring the interior environment is suitable for your intended use year-round. Insulation options play a vital role in maintaining stable temperatures and reducing energy costs.

When evaluating interior layout, think about the efficient utilization of space for storage, equipment, or livestock. Energy efficiency is essential for sustainability and cost-effectiveness in the long run. Additionally, familiarize yourself with permit requirements to comply with local regulations and avoid delays in setting up your prefab steel building kit.

Worldwide Steel Helps You Get Started

Metal buildings offer unparalleled benefits for agricultural operations, providing durability, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. With customizable options and easy assembly, these structures cater to a wide range of applications, ensuring increased productivity and functionality on the farm. By choosing the right metal building for your agricultural needs, you can revolutionize your practices and enhance the welfare of your livestock and equipment.

Taking the next step towards integrating these innovative structures into your farm doesn’t have to be daunting. Worldwide Steel Buildings is committed to making the transition as smooth and beneficial as possible. With our expertise and dedication to quality, we can help you customize the perfect steel building kit to meet your specific agricultural needs. 

Getting a free quote is your gateway to discovering how a metal building can transform your agricultural practices. Don’t miss the opportunity to elevate your farming operations. 

metal building kit with 2 garage doors

Imagine you’re setting off on a road trip to a destination you’ve been dreaming about for years. You’ve mapped out the route, packed your belongings, and fueled up your vehicle, ready to hit the road.

Just as a successful road trip requires careful planning and preparation, constructing a prefab metal building demands meticulous attention to detail and a well-thought-out pre-construction checklist for metal buildings.

As you begin this process, you’ll soon realize that each step you take lays the foundation for the successful realization of your metal building project. From defining your needs to navigating the legal requirements and selecting the right contractors, every decision you make shapes the outcome of your construction project.

Let’s start this journey together by exploring the steps that will guide you toward the creation of your ideal metal building, ensuring that your pre-construction planning phase sets you on the right path.

Identifying Your Needs

When planning a custom steel building, it is essential to have a clear vision of your usage intentions. Consider space needs, building design preferences, and the possibility of future expansions for your steel structures.

Grasping the intended use of your building opens the door to design versatility, allowing for custom adjustments. Kick off your project with a thorough assessment of how your custom metal building will be utilized. This approach establishes a strong basis for successful design and personalization.

With a firm grasp on how you plan to use your steel building, next, consider the specifics of space, building design, and future expansion options. Design decisions should focus on adaptability to accommodate evolving needs. Choose a layout and floor plan that makes future expansions straightforward, ensuring your new building can expand as your needs do.

Opting for a design that offers both flexibility and space efficiency will extend the lifespan and functionality of your building. By balancing these aspects, you’ll craft a metal building solution that not only serves your immediate needs but also adjusts smoothly to future changes.

Budgeting and Financing

When organizing the finances for your metal building installation, whether it’s a commercial building or another building type, setting a budget that matches your financial reach is vital. Investigating various financing methods will help support your construction project effectively.

Creating a Realistic Budget

Begin by evaluating your financial situation and the extent of your project. Prioritize your expenses, focusing on cost-effective approaches and detailed financial planning to use your resources wisely. Keep a close eye on your spending to make sure it stays within your budget, ensuring your project doesn’t cost more than anticipated. Strategic fund allocation is key, allowing for smart investments that reflect your overall financial plan.

Exploring Financing Options

Diving into the financial planning phase is critical for the success of your construction project. Explore a range of financing solutions, including diverse payment plans that fit your budgeting strategy. Look for loans that help with cost management and consider partnering with banks offering attractive terms. Evaluating each option carefully will help you select the best one for your project’s needs.

With a good grasp of the financing options available and mindful decision-making, you can steer the financial side of your steel building toward a successful outcome. This careful planning, possibly under the guidance of an experienced project manager, ensures your project moves forward smoothly and finishes on time.

Research and Selection

When selecting a metal building and provider, it’s crucial to compare manufacturers and customization options. Ensure that the chosen building meets your specific requirements and budget constraints. Research thoroughly before making a decision to guarantee a suitable and cost-effective choice, considering the building solution and building supplier that best fits your project.

Choosing a Provider

When it comes to provider selection, consider your building requirements and future expansion planning. Compare manufacturers to find the best fit for your project while managing your budget effectively.

Look for providers that offer customization options to tailor the building to your specific needs. By focusing on these aspects, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your goals and ensures a successful metal building installation that meets all your requirements, with the support of the right building systems and building supplier.

Choosing a Metal Building

Additionally, pay attention to design considerations during your selection process. Different designs offer unique advantages, so selecting one that suits your aesthetic preferences and functional needs is crucial. In this context, you also have the option to go for a pre-built model or customize a metal building to match your specific requirements. Customizing allows you to tailor every aspect of the building to your needs, from dimensions to door placements, ensuring that the final product perfectly aligns with your vision.

Maintenance requirements are another factor to investigate. Be sure to choose a steel building that aligns with your capacity and willingness to maintain it over time. Consider the environmental impact of your choice as well. Opting for energy-efficient materials and construction methods not only benefits the environment but can also reduce your operating costs in the long run. This approach to selecting your steel building not only ensures it serves your immediate needs but also contributes to long-term sustainability and efficiency.

Contractor Selection

After you’ve chosen your ideal building provider and building, it’s time to find a good general contractor to bring your steel building to life. Start by examining each contractor’s skills and experience to ensure they’re up to the job. It’s important they know how to handle metal buildings and have done similar work before.

Next, see what other people say about them. You can ask for feedback from their past clients or look up their reviews online. This helps you understand if they’re reliable and do good work. Also, compare prices from different contractors to find a fair deal that fits your budget.

Communication is key, so pick a contractor who’s easy to talk to. This makes sure you stay updated and that the project goes smoothly. By thinking about these points, you can pick a contractor who matches what you need and expect for your steel building. Having an experienced contractor in place and on site can help with navigating the next step: handling building permits and following local building codes.

Legal and Permit Requirements

Before you begin construction, it’s critical to be familiar with your area’s building codes and zoning laws. Getting the necessary permits early on can save you from delays later. Creating a good relationship with local authorities can also smooth the way.

Dive into the local codes and zoning laws to ensure that your building plans comply with legal requirements. Learn the specific rules that apply to your project, and ensure that your building design and site preparations adhere to these standards. Consider the necessary land preparation measures to accommodate your building within the permitted building site.

Gathering all necessary documents, like engineered drawings and specifications, is a key step. These documents prove that your building will be safe and up to code. Engineers and architects play an essential role in ensuring your plans meet the required standards, helping your project get the green light without a hitch.

Also, be mindful of your budget to cover any permit fees or adjustments needed for compliance. This careful planning helps ensure your metal building installation progresses smoothly and meets all legal obligations without overstepping your financial boundaries.

Site Preparation

When prepping your construction site for a steel building, adhere to proper guidelines for selection and preparation. It’s vital to secure a level foundation to support the structure and clear any obstacles that could interfere with construction. These steps are key to ensuring a smooth and successful installation.

Site Selection and Preparation Guidelines

Choosing the right location and prepping the site is essential for the successful setup and durability of your steel building. Begin with site preparation to ensure a firm foundation. Clear any obstacles that might block the construction process. Additionally, consider your customization needs and preferences, making sure installation teams can easily access the site.

Foundation Selection

Prior to beginning groundwork for your new metal structure, selecting an appropriate foundation is essential. For enhanced stability and longevity, a concrete pad foundation is advisable for metal buildings, although it involves additional costs and possibly a separate permit for the foundation. Conduct a survey to understand site specifications and soil type, ensuring you tailor the foundation accordingly. Whether you choose a soil base, gravel base, concrete base, or asphalt base, each option requires careful preparation. For instance:

  • Soil Base: Remove debris, ensure smooth leveling, and consider a soil test.
  • Concrete Base: Pour concrete with precision, and allow it to cure properly, preventing future structural issues. 
  • Gravel Base: Ideal for drainage and load distribution.
  • Asphalt Base: Should be smooth and level, providing excellent support for the structure.

Obstruction Removal

After addressing site selection and preparation, clearing obstacles is critical for the installation’s success and the building’s longevity. Ensuring the ground is level and clear from obstructions not only smooths the construction process but also enhances structural stability for the future. Clear the site thoroughly to facilitate a safe construction environment, laying the foundation for a sturdy and dependable steel building.

Pour Your Concrete Pad

Choosing a concrete foundation for your metal structure means it’s time to hire a concrete contractor to dig and pour the foundation. The curing process for the concrete can last from several days to weeks. Avoid constructing on or walking over the concrete surface until it has fully cured, despite it appearing firm and dry. The curing phase is crucial because it involves a chemical process that strengthens the concrete through the development of internal crystals. Initiating the installation of your metal building before the concrete has fully cured could result in a foundation prone to splitting, cracking, or crumbling.

Finalizing Your Order

With your site fully prepared, the next step is finalizing the order and scheduling the delivery of your metal building. At this stage, the specifics of your building, such as size and design, are already determined. The focus now shifts to coordinating the logistics of your building’s arrival and ensuring everything aligns with the prepared site.

Effective communication with your supplier is essential for a smooth scheduling process. It’s important to discuss the timeline and coordinate the delivery and installation based on the readiness of your site. If you have a concrete pad, ensure it has fully cured before scheduling the delivery. For those with a dirt base, it should be cleared and leveled. 

By closely coordinating with your supplier and carefully planning the delivery schedule, you can avoid any last-minute hurdles. This approach ensures that once the building arrives, the installation can commence without delay, keeping your project on track towards a successful completion. Prioritizing this coordination not only smooths the path for your construction phase but also solidifies a productive partnership with your supplier, ultimately contributing to the seamless realization of your project.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

Even the best-laid plans can encounter bumps in the road. Common mistakes in the pre-construction phase can be avoided with diligent site evaluation, adherence to standards, precise communication, and thorough documentation. It’s also wise to plan contingencies for any unforeseen events.

Common mistakes to avoid include:

  • Upgraded building size without proper site preparation.
  • Neglecting to read directions.
  • Using inappropriate foundation types.
  • Not bringing right frame parts.
  • Incorrectly installing fasteners.

Turn Your Metal Building Dreams into Reality with Worldwide Steel

Starting a metal building project can feel like a big step, but with Worldwide Steel Buildings, it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With the above pre-construction checklist for metal buildings, you’re equipped with all the insights needed to navigate the early stages of your project effectively. Offering a wide range of metal buildings to suit any need across the USA, we’re here to ensure your project aligns perfectly with your vision, from the initial concept to the final touches.

Our team is equipped with the expertise, tools, and dedication needed to guide you through the building process to success. We provide personalized advice and support tailored to your project, whether it’s a commercial building or a custom steel structure. 

With Worldwide Steel Buildings, your project is more than just construction; it’s about creating a standout structure known for its quality and innovation. Let us help you turn your vision into reality. Reach out to us today to learn more about how we can support your next construction project and get cost estimates. Let’s build something great together.

A large commercial metal building with a green roof and white walls under a clear blue sky. There's a large garage door on the front side and a standard entry door beside it. To the left, there's a boat covered with a blue tarp, and some debris is scattered on the ground nearby. The building is situated beside a paved road with power lines overhead, and a wooded area can be seen in the background.

Are you tired of dealing with the costly and time-consuming maintenance of traditional commercial buildings? It’s time to consider a more efficient solution. Prefab steel buildings have been gaining popularity among business owners like yourself, and for good reason. The benefits they offer are simply unmatched.

From their customizable design options to their incredible durability, steel building kits provide a cost-effective and versatile solution for your commercial building needs. But that’s just scratching the surface.

As businesses evaluate their construction options, understanding these benefits becomes crucial. This article aims to show why metal buildings for commercial use are an excellent investment for various commercial spaces, including office buildings, retail stores, and manufacturing facilities.


When it comes to building prices and cost-effectiveness, commercial metal buildings offer significant advantages in both construction and maintenance.

Steel buildings are known for their energy efficiency, which can lead to substantial savings on utility bills. The insulation and cool metal roofs of these buildings help to reduce energy costs, making them an environmentally friendly choice. They also have low maintenance requirements, saving businesses both time and money. Unlike traditional buildings, metal buildings are resistant to mold, mildew, pests, and weather conditions, reducing the need for frequent repairs. This durability translates into lower repair and renovation costs over time.

Metal building kits are a fraction of the cost compared to traditional construction, and the rapid construction process of pre-engineered steel buildings allows businesses to start operations sooner, minimizing downtime and maximizing profitability. The resale value is also worth mentioning, as these structures retain their value well and can be attractive to potential buyers. Insurance savings can be achieved with metal buildings due to their fire resistance and durability.

Durability and Longevity

Commercial steel buildings aren’t only cost-effective! They’re also renowned for their durability and longevity, making them an ideal choice for businesses looking for a long-lasting and resilient structure. Regarding resistance strength, metal buildings excel in challenging weather conditions. Their steel construction allows them to withstand heavy snowfall, icy conditions, and high wind speeds of up to 170 mph. Even in the face of these extreme weather events, metal buildings typically experience only cosmetic damage. Their ability to withstand elements like storms and heavy snowfall reduces the need for repairs. In the event that a portion of the building is damaged, it can be replaced quickly. 

The structural integrity of metal building materials is one of their greatest strengths. Unlike wooden buildings, steel structures don’t rot, warp, or crack over time. Additionally, the non-porous surface of steel prevents termites, mold, and mildew, further contributing to their durability. This means that commercial steel buildings have a longer lifespan and require less maintenance, resulting in reduced repair and replacement costs over time. With less upkeep required, businesses can reinvest their time and money into other areas.

Customization and Design Flexibility

To achieve a unique and tailored space that meets your metal building needs, modern metal building construction offers a wide range of design options and flexibility. With commercial steel building projects, you have the freedom to create personalized spaces that reflect your brand and style. Whether you’re looking to build a restaurant, office space, retail space, or school, our pre-engineered steel buildings can be designed to match various business and building types.

One of the key advantages of commercial metal buildings is the architectural flexibility they provide. You can choose from different roof styles, garage doors, and paint color options to create a design that aligns with your vision. The vast customization options allow you to create a space that stands out with unique aesthetics.

In addition to the building design options, metal buildings also offer functional layouts. They allow for open floor plans, providing design flexibility regardless of building size. This makes metal buildings suitable for different industrial businesses, such as automotive manufacturing, where efficient use of space is crucial.

Sustainability and Environmental Impact

With its recyclable materials and energy-efficient design, metal buildings offer a sustainable and environmentally friendly solution for commercial construction projects. Metal building kits use renewable materials, such as steel, which can be recycled at the end of their lifespan. This reduces waste and promotes a circular economy.

Additionally, energy-saving features such as specialized insulation and metal roofing can contribute to a reduced carbon footprint. These help to regulate indoor temperatures and reduce the need for excessive heating or cooling, resulting in lower energy costs.

Commercial metal buildings can also earn green building certifications, such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), which recognize their sustainable attributes. These certifications validate the environmental performance of metal buildings and demonstrate a commitment to reducing the overall impact on the planet.

Businesses That Benefit from a Metal Building

The versatility and robustness of metal buildings make them an ideal choice for a wide range of business sectors. From retail to manufacturing, the adaptability of metal structures can meet the unique demands of different industries, offering tailored solutions that drive efficiency, durability, and cost-effectiveness. Here, we look at several businesses that can benefit from choosing a metal building for their commercial space needs.

Retail Stores and Shopping Centers

Metal buildings provide a flexible and spacious environment for retail businesses, including standalone stores and large shopping centers or strip malls. Their clear span interiors offer uninterrupted space that can be customized to fit the specific layout and design needs of retail outlets, enhancing the shopping experience for customers. The quick construction timeline of our metal building systems also allows retailers to open their doors sooner, providing a competitive edge in fast-paced market environments.

Warehouses and Distribution Centers

The strength and durability of metal buildings are particularly beneficial for warehouses and distribution centers that require large, open spaces for storage and logistics operations. These structures can be designed with high ceilings and wide door openings to accommodate heavy machinery and large inventory items. Additionally, the inherent fire resistance of steel adds an extra layer of safety for goods stored within these facilities.

Manufacturing Plants

With their need for specialized layouts and heavy-duty infrastructure, manufacturing facilities can significantly benefit from metal building solutions. Metal buildings can be customized to support heavy equipment, provide adequate ventilation, and facilitate efficient workflow. Their durability ensures that these structures can withstand the rigorous demands of manufacturing operations, offering a long-lasting solution for businesses in this sector.

Automotive Dealerships and Service Centers

Metal buildings offer the perfect blend of showroom aesthetics and functional service bays for automotive businesses, including dealerships and service centers. The customizable nature of metal construction allows for the creation of attractive display areas for vehicles, as well as efficient, well-organized service departments. The quick construction and low maintenance of metal buildings also help keep operational disruptions minimal.

Agricultural Facilities

Agricultural businesses, such as farms and equipment storage facilities, find metal buildings to be a cost-effective and durable solution for their needs. These structures can be designed to house livestock, store crops, or protect machinery from the elements, offering a versatile option for various agricultural applications. The resistance of metal barns to pests and decay is particularly advantageous in these settings.

Sports and Recreational Facilities

Sports complexes, gyms, and recreational centers benefit from the vast, open spaces that metal buildings can provide. The ability to customize interior layouts and incorporate large, open areas makes these steel structures suitable for indoor sports courts, swimming pools, and fitness centers. The durability and low maintenance of these structures ensure they can withstand the high traffic and frequent use associated with recreational activities.

Educational Institutions and Churches

Schools, universities, and religious organizations can utilize metal buildings for classrooms, auditoriums, and worship spaces. The flexibility in design allows for the creation of multi-purpose rooms, administrative office spaces, and communal areas that meet the evolving needs of educational and religious communities. Metal buildings offer a quick and economical way to expand facilities as these organizations grow.

Find a Metal Building for Your Commercial Space

Metal buildings offer a flexible, durable, and cost-effective solution for various business needs. From retail to industrial steel buildings, the benefits of metal construction—such as quick assembly, low maintenance, and customization options—make it an attractive choice for businesses looking to maximize their investment. Whether you’re planning a new facility or expanding an existing operation, considering a Worldwide steel building could be the key to unlocking efficiency, sustainability, and growth for your business.

For those interested in exploring how metal buildings can meet their commercial space needs, we encourage you to reach out for a free quote today. Our team of building specialists is ready to help you design a custom metal building that aligns with your business needs and building codes, ensuring you get the most out of your investment. With options ranging from clear span to steel framing, and features that accommodate everything from high winds to snow loads, we’re here to provide a building solution that meets your specific requirements. Plus, each of our prefab steel building kits has a 50-year structural warranty! Discover the difference a steel commercial building can make for your business, and take the first step towards a more efficient, versatile, and sustainable commercial space.

Off grid barndominium

Welcome to the exciting world of off-grid living! Are you considering becoming a homeowner of a unique and sustainable off-grid home? If so, you’re about to embark on an incredible journey that combines modern comforts with an eco-friendly lifestyle in a steel barndominium.

This comprehensive guide is designed to introduce beginners to the fascinating concept of living off the grid in a steel building. We’ll explore what it means to have an off-grid barndominium, the benefits of this lifestyle, and how to transition smoothly into your new home while embracing sustainability and self-sufficiency.

Off-grid living isn’t just about saving on energy costs or reducing your environmental footprint; it’s about a whole new way of life. Whether you’re creating a new home design from scratch or transforming an existing structure into a steel barndominium, this guide will provide you with all the information you need to make informed decisions.

We’ll walk you through the essential steps in planning, designing, and equipping your new home with the necessary off-grid systems. You’ll learn how to harness renewable energy, manage water and waste sustainably, and create a living space that is not only comfortable and cozy but also deeply connected to the environment.

Get ready to delve into a lifestyle that brings you closer to nature, fosters a sense of community, and offers an unparalleled sense of achievement. Welcome to your own off-grid home, where every day is an adventure in sustainable living.

Understanding Off-Grid Barndominiums

What is a Barndominium?

A barndominium, also known as a ‘barndo’, is a unique type of home design that combines the rustic charm of a barn with the functionality of a modern living space. These structures are known for their spacious open house plans, high ceilings, and large windows, providing ample natural light. The concept has evolved from basic metal structures to sophisticated home builds, featuring customizable barndominium floor plans that cater to a wide range of preferences.

The Off-Grid Aspect

Living off-grid in a barndo means being disconnected from municipal services like electricity and water supply, creating a self-sufficient environment. This lifestyle encourages the use of renewable energy sources, such as solar panels and wind turbines, and sustainable practices like rainwater collection and composting, making it an ideal choice for those committed to reducing their environmental impact.

Planning Your Off-Grid Barndominium

Choosing the Right Location

To ensure success in planning your off-grid barndominium, prioritize the selection of an ideal location that aligns with your lifestyle and sustainability goals. When finding the right location, there are several off-grid living essentials and location considerations to keep in mind.

Firstly, consider the availability of natural resources such as water, sunlight, and wind for energy production. Additionally, look for a spot that offers ample space for gardening or farming if self-sufficiency is important to you. Off-grid lifestyle factors like privacy, security, and access to amenities should also be taken into consideration.

Ultimately, choosing the perfect spot for your off-grid barndo is about finding a place that allows you to live in harmony with nature while still meeting your needs for comfort and belonging.

Designing for Efficiency and Sustainability

Now, let’s delve into the efficient and sustainable design of your off-grid barndominium, ensuring that it maximizes your use of available resources and minimizes your environmental impact.

When it comes to energy-efficient design, consider incorporating features such as solar panels, high-quality insulation, and energy-efficient appliances. These choices won’t only reduce your reliance on the grid but also lower your energy bills.

Additionally, opt for sustainable materials like reclaimed wood or recycled metal for construction. These materials not only add a unique touch to your living space but also promote a greener lifestyle.

Water conservation is another crucial aspect to consider. Install low-flow fixtures, collect rainwater for irrigation, and utilize greywater systems.

Floor Plans and Customization

Barndominiums are renowned for their versatile floor plans. The open-concept design is a blank canvas for DIY enthusiasts, allowing homeowners to tailor their space to their specific needs. Whether it’s creating a loft-style bedroom, a spacious workshop, or an expansive living area, barndominiums offer endless possibilities for customization.

Necessary Permits and Legal Considerations

Before you begin planning your off-grid barndo, it’s important to understand the necessary permits and legal considerations involved. Obtaining the necessary permits is crucial to ensure that your project complies with zoning requirements and legal restrictions.

You’ll need to research and understand the building codes and environmental regulations in your area to ensure that your off-grid barndominium meets all the necessary standards. These regulations are in place to protect the environment and ensure the safety and well-being of both you and your community.

It’s also important to consult with local authorities and professionals to ensure that you’re following the correct procedures and obtaining all the required permits. By adhering to these necessary permits and legal considerations, you can enjoy your off-grid home with peace of mind, knowing that your project is both legal and environmentally responsible.

Living Off-Grid: Systems and Technologies

Harnessing Renewable Energy

The cornerstone of off-grid living is the use of alternative energy sources. Solar power systems, wind turbines, and even small-scale hydroelectric generators can be integrated to provide a reliable and sustainable energy supply. Geothermal energy is another element that can be incorporated. It focuses on leveraging the heat of the earth and warming your home through different systems. One option is to run PEX tubing through your concrete floors and use the radiant geothermal heat to warm the floor. These systems reduce dependence on fossil fuels and lower utility costs over time.

Water Collection and Purification

Rainwater collection systems are an essential component of sustainable living. Collecting rainwater for household use, coupled with advanced purification systems, ensures a steady supply of clean water. Greywater systems recycle water from showers and sinks for irrigation and other non-potable uses.

Waste Management and Recycling

Effective waste management is crucial in an off-grid setting. Composting toilets, for instance, turn waste into valuable compost for gardens. Recycling and repurposing materials play a significant role in reducing waste and promoting a sustainable lifestyle.

The Lifestyle: Benefits and Challenges

Embracing a Sustainable Lifestyle

Living off the grid offers unique challenges and opportunities to embrace a lifestyle that prioritizes sustainability and self-sufficiency. Growing your own food, utilizing renewable energy, and adopting eco-friendly practices contribute to a healthier planet and a more fulfilling personal life.

Community and Independence

Off-grid living fosters a strong sense of community and independence. These communities often consist of like-minded individuals who share knowledge, resources, and a commitment to sustainable living. This environment nurtures a supportive and collaborative community spirit.

Navigating Challenges

While off-grid living is rewarding, it comes with its own set of challenges. Managing energy resources, ensuring a consistent water supply, and dealing with waste require planning and adaptation. However, these challenges also bring the reward of resilience and a deeper connection to the natural world.

Join the Barndominium Movement with Worldwide Steel

Choosing to live in an off-grid barndominium is more than just a housing decision; it’s a lifestyle choice that reflects a commitment to reduced energy consumption, self-sufficiency, and a closer relationship with nature. As this movement grows, more people are discovering the joys and benefits of this unique way of living. By adopting this lifestyle, you not only contribute to a healthier planet but also gain a sense of fulfillment and independence that modern life often lacks.

Ready to start your journey towards a sustainable, off-grid lifestyle in a steel barndominium? Worldwide Steel Buildings is here to help you bring your vision to life. Our expert team specializes in designing and constructing customizable steel buildings that are not only environmentally friendly but also tailored to meet your unique needs and style preferences.

Whether you’re envisioning a cozy retreat or a spacious family home, Worldwide Steel Buildings offers a range of customizable options and expert guidance every step of the way. From selecting the perfect floor plan to incorporating sustainable technologies, we are committed to helping you create a home that is as unique as your lifestyle.

Don’t wait to make your dream a reality. Contact Worldwide Steel Buildings today to begin designing and building your own custom barndominium. Embrace a life of independence, sustainability, and comfort with a home that truly reflects your values.

Worldwide Steel house

Curious about the latest trend in new home construction? Wondering what a shouse is? Look no further! In this article, we’ll delve into the concept of a shouse (sometimes referred to as a shome), which is a unique combination of a shop area and a house. A shouse (shop house) is an innovative architectural concept that blends the utility of a workspace, such as a workshop, garage, or studio, with the comfort and functionality of a traditional home. With their increasing popularity, more and more people are opting for shouses as their preferred living arrangement. Similar to barndominiums, or “barndos”, shop houses offer the convenience of having both a workspace and living area in one structure. However, what sets shouses apart is their complete customization, allowing you to create the extra space that perfectly fits your needs and preferences. If you’re seeking a versatile and customizable dream home that combines the best of both worlds, shop houses are definitely worth considering. Join us as we explore this exciting trend, uncovering all the features, benefits, and considerations that come with it. Don’t miss out on the chance to embrace the future of home construction with shouses!

Benefits of a Shouse

The concept of a shop house brings together the best of both worlds: the efficiency and spaciousness of a shop combined with the warmth and comfort of a home. This innovative architectural design is not just a trend; it’s a practical solution for a wide range of homeowners. From families looking for an affordable housing option to artists seeking a large studio space, or even entrepreneurs needing a home-based business area, shouses cater to diverse needs. In this section, we delve into the various benefits of a shouse, exploring how they offer a unique blend of functionality, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness, redefining modern living spaces.


Are you wondering how you can save money while building your own shouse? Well, you’re in luck! Shop houses offer a range of cost-saving benefits that make them an ideal choice for affordable housing.

With budget-friendly construction methods and economical building materials, shouses provide excellent value for money.

By combining the functions of a traditional house and a storage facility, you can maximize the use of your storage space and living area while minimizing costs. Additionally, shouses allow for customization and flexibility, allowing you to prioritize your needs and build according to your budget.

Whether you’re looking to save on construction expenses or reduce long-term maintenance costs, a shouse can provide a cost-effective solution for your housing needs.

Durability and Low Maintenance

To maximize the value and minimize your maintenance efforts, a shouse offers durability and low maintenance benefits that make it an excellent choice for affordable housing.

Constructed often with metal structures, shouses promise durability and require minimal maintenance compared to traditional houses. This resilience is particularly beneficial in areas prone to extreme weather. These long-lasting materials, such as a metal frame, metal siding and roofing, require minimal upkeep, saving you time and money on maintenance requirements.

Unlike traditional houses, shouses are designed to withstand the test of time without extensive repairs or renovations. This durability is especially important for those seeking a long-term housing solution that will remain sturdy and reliable for years to come.

With a shouse, you can enjoy a low-maintenance lifestyle while still having a durable and dependable home.

Versatile Use of Space

With open floor plans and clear span designs free from load-bearing walls, shouses offer immense flexibility in utilizing space. Whether it’s for storage, workshop area, or expansive living rooms, the possibilities are endless. With creative design solutions, you can maximize every inch of your shouse and keep your belongings organized and easily accessible.

Multi-purpose rooms allow you to adapt the extra space to your changing needs, whether it’s a home office during the day or a guest room at night. The open floor plan of a shouse provides a seamless flow between rooms, creating a sense of spaciousness and freedom.

Additionally, the integration of outdoor living areas expands your living space and allows you to enjoy the beauty of nature.

Lastly, the interior design of a shome (shop home) can be customized to reflect your unique style and create a warm and inviting atmosphere.

Design Flexibility

Maximize your creative freedom with the design flexibility of a shouse. Shouses offer a wide range of custom design options, allowing you to create a living area that perfectly suits your needs and preferences.

One of the key benefits is the open floor plan, which provides a blank canvas for you to customize the layout according to your lifestyle. This open layout also allows for abundant natural lighting, creating a bright and inviting atmosphere.

Additionally, shouses often feature indoor-outdoor living spaces, seamlessly blending the boundaries between the interior and exterior. This unique feature not only enhances the overall design but also provides opportunities for outdoor entertaining and relaxation.

With a shouse, you have the freedom to incorporate unique features and design elements that truly reflect your personal style and taste. Embrace the design flexibility of a shouse and create a custom home that is specifically designed for your life.

Energy Efficiency

With a shouse, you can significantly reduce your energy consumption and costs. These metal buildings are designed to maximize energy savings through various techniques. 

One way to achieve this is by incorporating renewable energy sources such as solar panels or wind turbines. These can generate electricity and reduce your reliance on traditional energy sources.

Additionally, shouses are built with advanced insulation techniques, ensuring that heat is retained during winter and kept out during summer. Efficient appliances further contribute to energy efficiency, as they consume less electricity while performing their functions.

Furthermore, shouses are designed with passive design principles in mind. This means that the layout and orientation of the building are optimized to take advantage of natural light and ventilation, reducing the need for artificial lighting and air conditioning.

Considerations When Building a Shouse

Embarking on the journey to build your new shouse is an exciting venture, but it comes with its own set of unique considerations. Unlike traditional home construction, creating a shouse requires careful thought about a myriad of factors that influence both its functionality and livability. In this section, we will explore the key elements to consider when building a shouse. From navigating zoning and building regulations to making critical design decisions and budget considerations, each aspect plays a pivotal role in ensuring that your shouse not only meets your current needs but also adapts to your future aspirations. Understanding these factors is crucial in crafting a space that is both a productive work environment and a comfortable living space.

Zoning and Building Regulations

To ensure compliance with zoning and building regulations, you’ll need to carefully consider the location and design of your shouse. Zoning restrictions dictate how properties can be used and may limit the size, height, or appearance of structures. Before beginning construction, you’ll need to check the zoning regulations in your area to make sure building a shouse is allowed.

Additionally, you’ll likely need to obtain permits from your local government to ensure that your project meets all necessary requirements. Setbacks, which determine how far your shouse must be from property lines, and height limitations may also be imposed. Many associations may not allow you to build a shouse within city limits, so you may have to choose a rural area for your shouse dreams to become reality.  It’s important to familiarize yourself with these regulations and work with professionals who can guide you through the process of adhering to building codes and regulations.

Design and Layout Considerations

When building a shouse, you should consider the design and layout to ensure it meets your needs and preferences. Space optimization is crucial in creating a functional and efficient living space. By carefully planning the placement of rooms and furniture, you can maximize the use of every square footage.

Natural lighting is another important factor to consider. Large windows and skylights not only bring in abundant natural light but also create a sense of openness and connection to the outdoors.

An open floor plan is a popular choice for shouses, as it promotes a spacious and flexible living environment. Incorporating outdoor living spaces, such as patios or decks, allows you to enjoy the surrounding landscape and extend your living space.

Lastly, consider incorporating sustainability features, such as energy-efficient appliances and renewable energy sources, to reduce your environmental impact and create a more sustainable home.

Customization Options

As you consider customization options for your shouse, it’s important to carefully plan the design and layout to meet your needs and preferences, while incorporating features that maximize the use of space and promote a functional and efficient living environment.

When it comes to interior design, you have the freedom to choose the colors, materials, and furnishings that reflect your personal style. From sleek and modern to rustic and cozy, the possibilities are endless.

Additionally, think about the building materials you want to use. Whether you prefer a traditional look with brick or a more contemporary feel with metal panels, selecting the right materials will contribute to the overall aesthetic of your shouse.

Don’t forget to consider different architectural styles that align with your vision.

Lastly, customizing outdoor spaces such as patios or gardens can enhance your shouse‘s appeal and provide additional areas for relaxation and entertainment.

Cost Factors

When building a shouse, it’s important to consider the cost factors involved in order to make informed decisions that align with your budget and goals. Construction costs, labor expenses, and material prices are all crucial aspects to take into account during the planning phase.

The location of your shouse can also have an impact on the overall cost. Certain areas may have higher material and labor costs, while others may offer more affordable options. It’s essential to research and gather information about construction costs and material prices in your desired location.

Additionally, budget planning is key to ensuring that you can cover all expenses without exceeding your financial capabilities. By thoroughly considering these cost factors, you can make informed decisions and successfully build your shouse within your budget.

The Appeal of Shouses in Modern Living

The growing popularity of shouses can be attributed to several factors. First, the rise of remote work and the need for dedicated home office or workspace areas have made shouses an attractive option. Second, the desire for sustainable and eco-friendly living solutions aligns well with the efficient design of shouses. Lastly, the trend towards minimalism and simplicity in living spaces has made the clear span and open floor plans of shouses particularly appealing.

Customizing Your Shouse with Worldwide Steel Buildings

At Worldwide Steel Buildings, we recognize that every shouse project is as unique as the individual dreaming it up. We specialize in providing high-quality steel building kits, offering durability and flexibility to suit your specific requirements. Our offerings range from robust steel frames for sturdy workspaces to versatile design options that complement your living quarters. For those who love to be hands-on, our DIY-friendly kits and customizable house plans ensure you can create a shouse that perfectly aligns with your vision. Our team of experts is dedicated to supporting you in every step of the process, from selecting the right materials to finalizing house plans that blend workspace functionality with home comfort. 

Worldwide Steel Buildings is committed to offering innovative, practical, and modern design solutions, making your dream of an eco-friendly, versatile, and cost-effective shouse a reality. Explore the possibilities with our steel building solutions and start your journey toward constructing a unique, efficient shouse. Visit Worldwide Steel Buildings for more information and to see how our DIY kits can bring your vision to life.

Barndominium decorated for the holidays

You know the pride that comes with doing something all on your own? Something challenging, that maybe you weren’t quite sure you’d be able to pull off? Now imagine feeling that way about something tangible. Something functional. Something big. Something like an entire building.

It’s more achievable than you might think, and with Worldwide Steel, it’s the last piece of the true DIY puzzle.

You dreamt your ideal metal building. Using the Worldwide Steel 3D Building Designer (with a little assistance and reassurance from our experts), you designed your own metal building. But can you really build your own metal building? Yep.

Consider this your pre-decision pep talk:

When you work with Worldwide Steel, yes, you can build your metal building with your own two hands.

Our prefab steel building kits are designed for DIYers like you — people who aren’t afraid to get their hands a little dirty, but don’t have construction experience. Barring any exceptional circumstances like disabilities or medical conditions, you can erect your building without hiring a crew, buying special materials, or worrying about making an irreparable mistake.

How? It starts at our manufacturing plant. Worldwide Steel manufactures all the materials that comprise our building kits at our own Midwestern plant, with all-American materials. No middle man, no brokers — just your design and our steel. Here’s what really makes the difference: we do extra work at the plant so you have less work to do on site.

Upon delivery (when all you need is a safe way to offload materials from our truck and enough clear space to assemble your building), you’ll find a lot of the work is done for you. The work that has to be done on-site is explained, step-by-step, very clearly, in the instructions that are delivered alongside your building materials.

You start by anchoring your building’s legs into piers. Then you’ll install the columns and attach a couple of your girts onto pre-welded clips. Again, all this will be explained and diagrammed in your instruction manual. Next, you’ll lay out the girders (the two halves that make up your steel trusses) and bolt them together, then bolt them to the legs you anchored. That’s the skeleton of your building. Then, you’ll frame in your doors and windows with well-packaged, clearly labeled materials.

You’ll notice perfect hole alignment at every step of construction. That’s because we pre-weld our trusses on jigs at the plant, for exemplary precision.

After that, it’s all sheeting and finishes. Worldwide Steel buildings have no sheet metal-to-sheet metal connections: it’s all sheet metal (which is just for aesthetics and sealing) to steel secondary members (attached with self-tapping, self-sealing fasteners). That means superior strength and durability, plus additional peace of mind for you. Roof panels go on just as easily.

Sure, that’s the short version, but there really isn’t much more to it.

From the beginning, we’ve prioritized design perfection and material quality to make the construction process simple. Step-by-step instructions, pre-punched, pre-drilled and pre-welded materials, and Quinton Ayler, our full-time customer support person is just a phone call away 800-825-0316.

There’s no need for advanced skill, experience or general contractors. We have customers every day who grab a buddy or two and have our buildings completed in just a few weekends.

Last but not least, we make sure to include some insurance with your building kit. You’ll find extra closures, framing, bolts and more, just in case anything rolls away or gets forgotten in yesterday’s pocket.

Still skeptical? Check out some of our customer stories and see what people like you accomplished with Worldwide Steel. Then let’s talk! Give us a call at (800) 825-0316 or request a quote online.

Barndominium decorated for the holidays

Our customers prove over and over again, at every time of year, that living in a metal home or barndominium can be just as warm, cozy and comfortable as living in traditional construction. That’s true around the holidays, as well.

If it’s your first holiday season in a metal home, you might be thinking you need to celebrate and decorate differently than you did before. After all, how can you hang lights and wreaths outside when you can’t hammer in nails to hang them from? Worse yet, will your loved ones worry a holiday celebration won’t feel the same in a metal home?

This is the winter you can prove them wrong. A metal home is a home, plain and simple.

In fact, the winter holidays are one of the best times to live in a metal home, because steel construction makes decorating and gathering easier than ever before.

Let us show you what we mean:

Hanging Christmas lights on a metal roof?

Okay, so we won’t try to tell you hanging Christmas lights on a steel roof is fun, necessarily. But that’s true about any roof, right? As long as you’re up there on a ladder, a metal roof might actually make hanging lights easier. Know why? It’s magnetic. That means no more fumbling with nails or plastic clips. If you already have lights to string, you can buy magnetic clips and just pop them onto your roofline and string the lights from there. If you need new lights anyway, you’re in luck — they actually make magnetic lights now. Isn’t that awesome? Not only are they a breeze to hang on a metal home, but they ensure your lights are all pointing in the exact same direction, which means your Christmas lights will be perfectly positioned. Metal hooks are also good for hanging wreaths, stockings, or whatever else you use to decorate.

Porch with holiday lights

Gathering with friends and family?

First of all, celebrating with loved ones is about the people, not the place. Gather the people you love in any old building — steel, brick, wood or straw — and that’s what matters. But because a metal home gives you such an opportunity for enormous clear span and a truly open floor plan, you can actually gather more people together in one room than you could in most traditional homes. No more deciding who has to eat on the couch in the living room! Break out the folding tables and celebrate with everyone you love in one place.

Baby, it’s cold outside?

No problem. Metal homes, properly insulated, can do a better job of maintaining temperature than traditional construction, thanks to the conduction properties of steel. It’s also less likely to develop any cracks where critters looking to escape the cold could make their way inside — a common occurrence in many homes during winter.

Cozy home for the holidays

Expecting a snowstorm?

You can sleep easier in a metal home. Steel is less susceptible to water damage and less likely to be damaged structurally in the case of a heavy snow load, wind speeds or fallen tree limb. Just salt the walks before guests arrive and focus on the fun parts.

If you’re getting ready to celebrate your first holiday season in a metal home, cheers! We can’t wait for you to experience just how sweet a metal home can be. If you’re tired of just thinking about your metal home project, now is the time to reach out to the team at Worldwide Steel. We’ll help you start designing the building of your dreams so it can be ready in time for next winter. Contact us today to take advantage of 2021 pricing! Call (800) 825-0316 or request a quote online.

Like most passions that require a heavy investment of time, commitment and finances, there’s something about the transition from renting to buying that just feels good. For pilots, buying that first aircraft is almost always a milestone. The one that makes you feel like a real pilot rather than someone who just dabbles in flying. The step that confirms this isn’t just a hobby you might outgrow or lose interest in. This is for life.

In aviation, there’s another monumental transition after purchasing your own aircraft: When you make the choice to take ownership of where you keep that aircraft.

When should you build your own aircraft hangar?

You should consider building your own hangar after you’ve done the math and realized renting hangar space just isn’t the best choice anymore. Or maybe you’re running a business that’s dependent on your personal aircraft and don’t want any aspect of that  business to be at the mercy of someone else’s decisions. 

When you design and build your own hangar, you get to choose where you want it located, include all the features you could possibly imagine, and enjoy 24/7 private access with no chance of hangar rash (unless you’re building a hangar for multiple planes … in that case, just factor in some additional square footage to stay safe and comfortable). 

Sounds like a dream come true? For our customers, it has been. Designing your own hangar from the ground up means you can customize it to your individual needs — the size of your airplane (down to wingspan and tail height), the way you use it (are you loading it up with goods for regional flights? Flying customers with deep pockets to and from business meetings? Enjoying the freedom of destinationless joy rides?), plus additional space for equipment storage, utilities, facilities, even living quarters. 

How to start designing your own metal hangar

With all that choice can come a bit of uncertainty as well, especially for first-time builders. You know how important this project is, and you don’t want to mishandle any aspect of it. At Worldwide Steel, we understand the gravity of each and every decision, and work with you to shoulder the responsibility of each and every consideration — so the entire process is enjoyable and rewarding for you, not stressful. 

Here are just a few aspects you’ll need to consider when building your own hangar, and why Worldwide Steel is the right partner for this project

1. Material quality. A hangar isn’t just an investment in and of itself — it’s literally protection for another investment. That means it isn’t a place to cut corners or make guesses. Worldwide Steel is an ideal partner in this respect for four primary reasons.

  • First, unlike some other metal building companies, we’re the manufacturer of our products, not just the broker. 
  • Second, we offer an industry-leading 50-year structural warranty that guarantees the materials and workmanship of your hangar will be defect-free for decades.
  • Third, we’ve been doing this a long time. We have expertise in things you may never think of on your own — like how an aircraft hangar needs to be built on a significantly thicker concrete slab than a metal building that isn’t designed to support so much weight on such a small surface area, or things to watch out for when choosing a site (like grade and soil quality).
  • Fourth, we’re an APOA Lifestyle member, which means we have access to information on the latest aviation regulations, new advancements in the industry and more. If there’s a question our years of experience building hangars doesn’t answer, we can reach out to the world’s largest aviation community for support.

2. Accessibility.  One of the most important choices when designing a hangar is its doors. Worldwide Steel offers three types of doors that are often chosen for hangars:

  • Traditional bi-fold doors fold in half when opening, like an accordion. They open outwards, which means you don’t have to account for interior space to accommodate them — your plane(s) and equipment can take up the entire interior.
  • Hydraulic doors operate like a standard garage door on a house. They open upwards and rise as a single unit. Some customers appreciate that they can be built with windows to let in light. They do take up vertical space when they’re open, so hangars with hydraulic doors need to be designed slightly taller than they would otherwise be. 
  • Stack doors aren’t a super common choice, since their size is constrained by the overall width of the hangar and limit the space in which a plane can maneuver straight in and out of the building. Think of a barn door that slides along the wall to open. The upside of stack doors is that they can be opened manually, in case of a power outage. Sometimes we recommend a fly-through hangar (with doors on both sides) that has bi-fold or hydraulic doors on the front and stack doors on the back, so you’re covered in case of emergency.

3. Customization options. Because Worldwide Steel manufactures hangars ourselves, you’re not limited to off-the-shelf components. The customization options are almost literally endless.  You can check it out yourself with our 3D Building Designer, which lets you test out hangar ideas visually before committing. The tool even lets you add a little guy and a personal aircraft for scale. Fun, right?

4. Big ol’ clearspans. Yes, that’s the technical term. But really. With available clearspans from 24′ through 100′ wide — no need for columns — our hangars can be designed to accommodate everything from a helicopter or single-engine to a small fleet of jets. That also means you can factor in space for everything you’ll need to maintain and repair your crafts, like ramps, stairs and lifts.

5. Hassle-free assembly. Worldwide Steel building kits use a pre-punched truss system that bolts together easily, which makes assembly a snap. Often, you won’t even need to rent heavy equipment or hire a crew to erect your hangar. For larger structures, however, some customers have found having access to a forklift or tractor makes the process even easier. 

When it’s time to level up your passion for planes, it’s time to get in touch with the team at Worldwide Steel Buildings. We can’t wait to get started on your custom aircraft hangar — just give us a call at (800) 825-0316 or request a quote online

A metal garage building with a brick red exterior

All our buildings are steel, but your metal building doesn’t have to look like a typical metal structure. With the right color scheme, it can transform into an architectural masterpiece, be it a metal garage, a commercial building, or a residential metal home.

Sure, there are ways to add siding of different materials to your exterior, but even if you choose to stick with the metal panels (like most of our customers do), there’s a world of possibilities to explore with exterior metal building color schemes. 

In fact, exploring different colors is one of the best ways to make your steel building design feel unique. When you’re thinking through all the possibilities of a building kit, considering them in vibrant or neutral colors can help bring your ideas to life.

All the components of Worldwide Steel metal building kits are available in a range of color choices, featuring 17 classic, sophisticated options including burnished slate, rustic red, charcoal gray, gallery blue, and light gray. Our color chart is a fantastic resource for visualizing these color options. You can choose your metal roof color, trim color, wainscoting, and wall panel colors individually, creating endless metal building color combinations.

But wait — with just 17 metal building color options, can’t I head to the hardware store and choose from hundreds of paint colors? With Worldwide Steel, you don’t have to, and the benefits are substantial. 

Crafting your ideal Worldwide Steel building means you don’t have to worry about the time or cost of painting your new building after construction. We offer pre-pigmented CentralGuard (powered by Valspar) Panel-Loc Plus metal panels. This means the actual colors are integrated into the material, not just a layer on top. This integration offers an extra layer of protection to your steel building.

The CentralGuard panels consist of a protective backer, dent-resistant steel, rust-resistant Galvalume, two layers of primer for paint adherence, and an outer top coat. These layers, combined with a silicon polyester resin, ensure that the panels are incredibly resistant to sunlight, UV rays, ice, snow, acid rain, and pollution. This is crucial for maintaining the color integrity of your metal roofing and wall panels.

While other pigmented metal buildings show significant fading over time, CentralGuard metal buildings maintain their vibrancy, with minimal fading over 30+ years. The silicon polyester resin also means they resist dirt, staining, and abrasion, increasing the lifespan of the color and the building itself.

How to Choose Your Steel Building Colors

All available colors offer durability and low-maintenance benefits. Lighter colors like polar white and light stone add energy efficiency, reflecting sunlight to keep the building cooler. Conversely, dark colors like charcoal gray or quaker gray can absorb heat, useful in cooler climates.

A commercial building with a two tone gray exterior

Consider the building’s planned usage when choosing the best colors. For agricultural buildings, traditional reds or earth tones offer a classic or camouflaging effect. For a commercial building, consider colors that represent your brand or industry. For instance, a landscaping business might opt for green siding. If constructing your building near other structures, color harmony is essential.

A metal farm building with a cream colored exterior
A metal building with a red exterior against a sunset
A digital rendering of a metal building with a dark green exterior

Mostly, though, we just want you to choose something you like. To choose a metal building kit you’re excited about. To look at your building and be happy with your color palette choice for decades to come.

Ultimately, the choice is yours. Whether it’s a metal garage, pole barn, or barndominium, we want you to be excited about your color choices. So let’s get started! Check out our color selector tool and start exploring your options with this interactive color visualizer! Just remember, that the colors in the tool are a close representation but may look different on different monitors. What you see as crimson red on your laptop might be a slightly different shade on your metal home or commercial building. The way light hits your building can affect the way the colors appear, as well. Physical samples in the form of color chips are always available upon request.

If you need guidance, our team is ready to help. We can show you examples of Worldwide Steel buildings in various color schemes and discuss the functionality and benefits of different color choices.

At Worldwide Steel, metal building color selection is a journey of creativity. There are no set rules — it’s about what you envision for your building. To start planning your metal building options, explore some of our pre-built customizable building designs, and further refine your choices with our online color selector.

Ready to learn more about designing, building, and using a Worldwide Steel building, or curious about our industry-leading 50-year structural warranty? Contact us for a free quote on your project at 1-800-825-0316.

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